Membership Request

Terms and Conditions

  1. Representation

    I will represent the aims and mission of the society.
  2. Participation

    I will participate in organization, management and publicity activities.
  3. Responsibility

    I will take up all tasks that the executive body assigns me with responsibility.
  4. Support

    I will try to help, support and contribute to the society in every way I can.
  5. Commitment

    If I am unable to make a commitment, I will clearly point out my position to the executive body in enough time so that they can make a replacement.
  6. Behaviour

    I will maintain a respectful and acceptable behavior towards all members of the society including the executive body members and in case of any disregard or misconduct, I will be accountable to the executive body members.
  7. Notice

    If I feel that any other member is involved in any misconduct I will bring it to the notice of the executive body members.
  8. Agreement

    I agree to all the conditions and will abide by all the rules and regulations that the executive body imposes without question.